
  • "Helped me get to a better version of myself "

    I was dealing with a lot of changes in my life before I started these coaching sessions. A separation from my partner of 28 years. Distance between my daughter and I's relationship;. Friendships and relationships fading. A lot of guilt and unanswered questions and me wanting to know the why's. I  felt stuck, I didn't know how to start moving in the right direction of where I wanted to be but I know I didn't want to stay where I was any longer. 

    These coaching sessions were extremely helpful, positive and uplifting. They helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel. Cause that's how I felt, as if I was spiraling down with no way out. Every coaching session taught me something different and I felt stronger, lighter and more at peace after each session. They helped me see things in a new perspective without putting all the weight and blame on myself. I was able to really dig deep and ask myself questions and be truthful. Journaling has really been a great outlet for me to do that. I am still journaling and will continue doing so. I have learned how to forgive myself, which was huge for me. I never felt I deserved forgiveness, and I don't think I would have ever been able to do that without these coaching sessions. 

    I like how comfortable I was in these coaching sessions. My coach really made me feel heard and understood without judgement. I was able to really open up and be vulnerable without hesitation. The way she understood me and helped me express myself and say what I needed to say really speaks volumes on what an amazing coach she is. I am so grateful for this coaching opportunity she gave me. I really liked how she was able to ask the right questions that helped me dig deeper into why I was feeling the way I was. 

    Everything I've learned in these sessions has helped me get to a better version of myself and I know it will continue to help me in my healing journey. I am meditating and journaling daily. Taking time for myself each day, doing things I enjoy. Accepting what no longer serves me, that was really hard for me to understand and do. I really love the peace that comes with it. I've gained so much strength and confidence I need to keep pushing forward;. I would definitely recommend these coaching sessions to some women in my life.


  • "Your unbiased feedback, encouragement, and active listening made this experience so extraordinary"

    I had , what I felt was a lot of childhood issues such as growing up in a very toxic parental environment, extreme stress with both of my children being recovering addicts and having a difficult marriage.

    Your coaching helped me with so many aha moments, which made me realize so many things such as the importance of self-love. I started to journal my feelings and the importance of voicing my feelings with "I" sentences.

    Your unbiased feedback, encouragement, and active listening made this experience so extraordinary. You have helped me so much and I feel more at ease and less stressed.

    I hope to continue our sessions since I am a work in progress.


  • "You have made me see things in a different perspective that benefits me and my wellbeing"

    Before starting sessions I felt lost with no identity. I only saw myself as a mom and nothing else. Working with you made me see things in a different perspective, even though it is still hard to change the little things in one’s daily life, I now can see that I am important and that my work as a stay at home mom holds as much value as any other job outside of home. I’ve also acknowledged that I shouldn’t be so hard on myself because I am already doing my best, and it’s reflected on my kids. You have taught me that I also matter, that my self care is also important for my mental wellbeing and for my family’s well being.

    It was a great pleasure working with you. You have made me see things in a different perspective that benefits me and my wellbeing. I would definitely recommend you to anyone that might need a little help in their life.


  • "These coaching sessions have helped improve my quality of life and reduce my stress levels from 8-9 on the high level to a more manageable 4-5."

    At the beginning of our coaching sessions I spoke about the one thing I struggled with and that was the amount of stress in my life I attributed to my job.  Being on call 24/7 has taken its toll on my health, well being, happiness and sleep quality.  What I learned from your coaching was that being in this leadership position and trying to do it all and be available all the time was not a  reasonable expectation. Your style of coaching, by being able to ask the right questions,  led me to the answers I was seeking to help me solve this problem and find ways to manage my stress better.  You helped me come to the conclusion that it was necessary to set boundaries, for example,  take my lunch breaks uninterrupted, that it was not necessary to answer every phone call or text at all hours of the night.   You helped me by asking " what do you think makes a good leader?" I answered that question on my own through your coaching . stating that ' a good leader is someone who is taking care of themself to be able to manage the demands of the job. A good leader does not have to do it all but guide them to come to conclusions and answers and solve some problems on their own. '

    These coaching sessions have helped improve my quality of life and reduce my stress levels from 8-9 on the high level to a more manageable 4-5. It is obvious you are passionate about this work as you were always highly engaged and thoughtful about everything we discussed. 

    I would wholeheartedly recommend you to anyone who is looking to take steps to improve different facets of their life. I enjoyed our time and I thank you for holding space for me during our coaching sessions.
